Monday, 1 February 2010

The Staffordshire Downs Syndrome Support Group

Pictured above Mr & Mrs Hoskins and their son Joshua from The Stafforshire Downs Syndrome Support Group together with our four LH fun runners: Paul, Stuart, Tom & Paul. LH Group won the shield for the team that raised the most money for charity: £530.50
In 2008, the employees of LH Group adopted The Staffordshire Downs Syndrome Support Group as their chosen charity.

Over the year, funds were raised by a raffle being held each month for various different gifts that were generously donated by employees and suppliers, a donation box on the steam clean bay where employees could wash their cars, and a donation from the Company Directors who opted to send out electronic email Christmas card for the charity.

£530.50 was raised alone by four of our employees: Tom Ellis, Paul Spooner, Paul Howlett and Stuart Moore who were sponsored for a four mile fun run.

The total raised was £1,876.33, and will pay for numerous family outings in 2009 which Debbie Hoskins, the Charity Organiser arranges for around 30 families within the group.